Many donors want to leave bequests to the organizations they care about, but most do not have any end-of-life planning in place. By giving donors access to a free estate plan through GiftWise, your organization is placed in a favorable position to sustainably harvest estate gifts from your donor base, further deepening relationships with donors and expressing your commitment to donors’ philanthropic goals.
A planned giving program can provide a reliable source of income for your organization over the long term, helping it to sustain its operations and programs.
Finally, a planned giving program can expand your organization’s fundraising potential by tapping into a pool of donors who may not have been able to make large gifts during their lifetimes but are able to do so through their estates.
When current donors receive a nonprofit’s information on legacy giving opportunities, it has been shown to increase current giving by as much as 26%. For donors who make the decision to include a nonprofit in their future plans, current giving may increase by as much as 50%. When a donor creates a legacy plan and names your organization in their plans, they naturally become more invested in the organization.
GiftWise offers plans not only for single individuals but for families as well.
As a client organization, you do not need to be well-versed in will planning as GiftWise has an amazing Omaha-based customer care team that is available to help donors as they move through their online will creation process. A phone number is listed for the donor to contact GiftWise at any time.
GiftWise provides your organization results through analytics. GiftWise’s reporting is immediate and is mainly based on donors who leave gifts to their sponsoring nonprofit. GiftWise’s main tracking points* for nonprofit’s include:
*Each of the tracking points is clickable to give you more detailed information.
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